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Modern Art

ination in a musical, literary, visual, or performance context. Art provides the person or people who produce it and the community that observes it with an experience that might be aesthetic, emotional, intellectual, or a combination of these qualities.Modern Art does not follow any traditional rule, in fact Modern Art breaks this barrier. In the traditional way of painting, you must the true nature of your work; you must have the balance in creating it. The rules that are working on our universe must be applied to the old traditional painting. All of these, are the opposites of the principles of Modern Art. Modern does not follow any rule, for example a modernist painter like Vincent Van Gogh, he used different kind of color pigments that represents the real color of an object like a field for example, he uses the color blue for the ground and red for the sky or yellow for the trees. Modern artist does not just put their painting s on and on, they work also with harmony. (Harmony is the art principle that produces an impression on unity through the selection and arrangement of consistent objects and ideas.) Their work might vary in size, shape, texture and color.Most people, especially Traditionalists, do not like Modern Art only because it is unconventional. They find it harder to relate a Picasso or a Kandinsky than to a painting or sculpture by Michelangelo. With Modern Art, you are more likely to ask yourself the question: "What is it?” only by reading the title of the painting do you then find out the answer to your question. An artist's medium affects the style of the work. Thus, a sculptor must treat stone differently from wood; a musician achieves different effects with drums than with violins; a writer must meet certain demands of poetry that might be irrelevant to the novel. Local tradition also affects art styles. Pottery design in one area and period may be geometric and in another, naturalistic. Indian tradition pre...

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