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in this piece. There is no real light source and no line to distinguish the ground from the sky. This gives you a sense that he is just standing there, almost like he is posing for the camera on a backdrop. The odd light, the not real light source, makes him look like he is alone in the world, like there is nothing else there.The colors are ambiguous. You do not really know what color is where, and what color is what. It is a lot of different shades of the same basic color yet still are very ambiguous. The colors can represent emotion. The white of his shirt could explain his purity and kind soul and the blue of his jeans represent the infinity. He knows that he is going to be like this for a very long time, if not forever. The blue also puts me into a melancholy state. Its like I am just here and I do not really get excited that I am here, but I am not really feeling sorry that I am here either. The shading in the background also adds to that state of melancholy. This piece has an implied or simulated texture, which means that it appears to have texture but in reality, it does not, actually, you cannot feel it. Manet fools the eye because the fabric of his shirt and the roughness of his jeans appear to have texture but they do not. If you actually touch the painting, you will find it to be flat and it does not have that feeling of thick application of paint. The painting has realistic 3 dimensional space by the use of linear perspective and chiaroscuro. It also looks to be 2 dimensional as well, because it almost looks like some influence on the Japanese print, like flat patches of paint. The lines converge from the edges of the paint to the center letting off the effect of a background and a foreground. It looks as though the trash is in the foreground and the man is in the background. In the back of the painting, it is darker which also adds to the effect of the 3 dimensional space.My first experience at the museum...

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