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Theodore Roosevelt

s concern with the destruction of the forest, prairies, streams, and wilderness led to putting the government in charge of the regulation of the environment with the start of the US Forest Service.Theodore Roosevelt was not only a strong leader in the United States. He was also one on the most aggressive advocates of an overseas empire. He pushed for expansion with men such as Senator Henry Lodge, Admiral Alfred Mahan, and Brooks Adams. Roosevelt wanted to free Cuba and the Philippines from Spanish rule and annexing Hawaii. He also wanted to require American military around the world. Roosevelt also thought that the Protestants Anglo-American culture should be spread to other countries. "Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far"#. This is how Theodore Roosevelt summed up his views. Roosevelt wanted to build a canal across the Isthmus of Panama. His attempt to lease the ground was unsuccessful though so he created a new strategy. Roosevelt wanted to take over Panama. For only ten-million dollars, it happened, on November 3, 1903. The canal gave the United States a huge commercial and strategic advantage. Though this was a good effect for the United States, there still was a negative effect. The newly exposed areas needed to be policed. “Proper policing of the world”# was called for by Roosevelt. His main concern was that Europe might try to take it if the United States did not. To stop this proclaimed which came to be known as the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. "Chronic wrongdoing, or an importance which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society, the exercise of an international police power"# is what the Document said. This was also used to justify armed intervention in the internal affairs of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Mexico. Theodore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906. This is because he mediated a settlement of the Russia-Japanese War at Portsmouth, New Hampshire in ...

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