documentstyle[11pt,psfig]{article} setlength{oddsidemargin}{0in} setlength{evensidemargin}{0in} setlength{textwidth}{6.5in} setlength{textheight}{8.5in} newcommand{spacedouble}{renewcommand{baselinestretch}{1.40}Hugenormalsize} newcommand{spacesingle}{renewcommand{baselinestretch}{1.0}Hugenormalsize} %renewcommand{thesection}{Roman{section}} newtheorem{definition}{Definition} newtheorem{property}{Property} newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} newtheorem{corollary}{Corollary} % The following is to change Reference to Bibliography %renewcommand{thebibliography}[1]{{section*{Bibliography}}list % {[arabic{enumi}]}{setlength{itemsep}{-0.05in}settowidthlabelwidth{[#1]}leftmarginlabelwidth % advanceleftmarginlabelsep % defnewblock{hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em} % sloppyclubpenalty4000widowpenalty4000 %letendthebibliography=endlist title{{bf What does the HP Teramac have to do with Moletronics?}} Department of Computer Science \ Michigan State University \ East Lansing, MI 48824\ {tt}\ % To change the page number: Recently, one of the main microprocessor manufacturer Intel Corp. announced that a bug within a small number of their Coppermine microprocessors had been found. And this was not the first timeIntel presented similar announcement. Also, another CPU giant AMDhas been suffered from design and manufacture defect in theirmicroprocessors for a long time.The traditional paradigm for computer hardware is to design thespecific circuit including the gates, wires and the way theyconnected, and built it perfectly. Perfection of the components isthe baseline of modern computer hardware--a single design ormanufacture defect can cause the entire system crashed. It isthought that with the chip's increasing of complexity andshrinking in size, the defect is inevitable, either in design ormanufacture process. An observation that is sometimes calledMoore's second law alleged that the cost of integrated circuitsfactories a...