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Budget for Terrorism

st 20 years the government cannot afford an even larger decrease in jobs. After 2 years this $10 billion will be decreased to $7 billion. This is an optimistic assumption that within this time period the airlines will be able to stabilize from the emergency and also be able to adapt to the new demands on their business. However, it is important to continue the aid for the final 3 years because it is unlikely that all the new changes that need to be made can be accomplished in 2 years and also because you have to allow time for the consumer trends to swing back to a place of normalcy in which more people are utilizing the services of the airline industry.The $15 billion increase in unemployment benefits will include both a lengthening of weeks unemployment is received. The time period will be increased for two reasons. Firstly, the job market is currently suffering because of a lack in consumption by the US public, which is a trend that is hard to predict. Secondly, increasing the time period helps worker efficiency. If workers take more time to search they may find jobs that are more appropriate for their skills, which enhances efficiency. There will be no formal time decrease on the amount of aid given to the unemployment program. Rather the aid will be adjusted over the five-year span in accordance to the unemployment trends being experienced. The hope is that after the first 2 years of the US dealing with this new threat and recovering from the attacks that an increase in consumer confidence will help the job market. If this is the case then the allotment to unemployment will be decreased by $5 billion.The last part of the aid category focuses on specifically aiding New York City. For 2 years this aid will be $6 billion dollars and then after will be decreased to $3 billion. This money is in addition to the emergency aid already provided to the city, which approximates $20 billion dollars. Instead of going simply to debr...

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