Economic Development in Zimbabwe The country of Zimbabwe is one of the most economically developed on the A fairly young political entity, Zimbabwe has onlyenjoyed recognized autonomy since 1980, the year in which the UnitedKingdom repealed its imperialistic claims to the African nation . Despiteits youth the country has achieved a level of economic developmentuncharacteristic of sub-Saharan African nations. Second only to SouthAfrica in economic development, Zimbabwe's economic system is oneindicative of a transitional country, a country making the transition fromdependency underdevelopment to self-reliant industrialization. The purposeof this essay is to make a cursory but adequate examination of Zimbabweansocio-economic and political system, as means to analyzing the countrieseconomic development. The ultimate purpose of this study is to provide amodel of the structure necessary to achieve economic development where nonepreviously existed. Zimbabwe is an appropriate model because the dynamicsof underdevelopment to development in this country are readily apparent.This model can be useful in understanding underdevelopment in other socalled "third-world" countries and in determining what is necessary forthese countries to make the transition to industrialization....