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Officer. He has exceptional knowledge of the industry. As stated in the home page new release “On a single Saturday in July, 100 airplanes and 9,000 trucks delivered more than 250,000 copies of "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" to customers,” providing the hottest kid’s book faster than local bookstores. This action clearly shows the powers of our suppliers and buyers. is committed to customer satisfaction despite our accumulated deficit of $2.3 billion and a deficit of $967 million in stockholders equity in FY 00. Amazon lost $720 million in fiscal year 99, which ranked us in the top five of Fortune 500’s top losses for that year.INDUSTRY ANALYSISType of Competition: fits into the monopolistic competition category.Type of Products:Consumers can purchase nonperishable products online such as: literature, music, videos, coins, stamps, tools, etc.Government and Social IssuesWith e-commerce sales estimated to hit $200 billion by 2004, it's imperative that we look at environmental impact. On the surface, e-commerce industries such as appear to offer a big environmental bonus by eliminating millions of trips to malls. However, after closer examination, one can see a net environmental impact that is decidedly murky. According to Scott Matthews, a research scientist involved in assessing environmental impacts of technology at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, “On-line shopping does reduce commuting in gas-guzzlers and the need to build more retail stores. But every book ordered on the Web, is heavily packaged and moves on a transportation network that taps many resources.” So instead of shipping, 10 books in one box, now its 10 books heavily packaged in 10 boxes to e-commerce customers.Governmental regulatory initiatives include the establishment of an Expert Group to advise the Minister for Financial Services and Regulation on consumer protection aspects of...

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