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The factors of Production

otice that one team is winning while another is loosing. That is because not enough labor was put into the practice, which leads to bed results and low average salary. For instance, in the National League, Arizona Diamondbacks won 100 games in 1999, and their average salary was the highest one. But Florida Marlins won only 64 games in 1999, thus, getting the lowest average salary out of all the National League's teams. Therefore, even in baseball we see how crucial the labor is, and that is in every part of our daily life. This could be applied to school, different jobs, government, and etc. labor makes a big difference in the production of goods and success of the country. The third very critical factor of the production is capital. The economics' capital is considered to be a buildup of products produced in the past that are still being in use in the present days for production of the new goods and services. For instance, in order to have a good capital in United States, many McDonald's restaurants were opened (Project# 4) all over US and even in foreign countries as well. This shows that the capital of US will increase gradually because these little restaurants became very useful and popular for American and foreign populations. More and more people to McDonald's to bye food, because it's quick, delicious, and inexpensive comparing to a real restaurant. These little restaurants have existed for more than ten years already, and different firms that are holding them earned quite a big capital for United 'States economy, because each and every person contributes to the national economy through his labor. If this progress will continue, not only with the restaurants, but with other products as well, the capital will go up very fast, which is excellent for the country. The factors of production besides being the demand and supply of the product are also very interdependent upon each other. They all contribute to the economic growth and ...

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