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Core curriculum Is there a need

ege, you should be learning about what you want to do for a living. Your degree should symbolize your learning and mastery of the skills that your job field requires. Instead, it says that you know a little about every subject, and know a little bit more about your major than someone without a degree in that field. How college is now set up, you can know everything there is to know about your major and job field, but if you are not able to also do well in unrelated subjects that you will never use again, you will not get your degree. For example, if a certain computer engineering major is able to do everything possible with a computer. But he does not do well with biology and chemistry. But if he does not pass both those classes, he will not be able to work on the computers that he is so good at. This is an atrocity. The best student in one area may not be able to use his or her talent because they are not good at another area. High school is very useful because it gives individuals a general knowledge of many subjects. These basic skills give a person a great understanding of the world they live in. But to go back and learn the same things again once you get into college is a waste of time and money. Time that you could be using for better things....

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