The safety of students while at school is a major concern for parents, teachers, school administrators, and some students. Many schools around the nation require students to wear a student identification card while on campus. The majority of students do not like wearing the identification cards. However, teachers, administrators, and most parents feel the cards help provide better security.The student identification card can provide teachers and administrators with personal information about the student. Scanning the back of the card can access personal information. This information could prove to be worthwhile in an emergency situation. Information such as class schedules, grade level, and emergency medical conditions can all be accessed using these identification cards. The cards can help make daily school activities run more smoothly. Students can use their card in the media centers to check out a book, and in the cafeteria to purchase lunch. Furthermore, the card may be used to allow students access to school functions. If the students card is properly displayed teachers and administrators can easily recognize when an unauthorized visitor is on campus. With the increasing amount of school violence occurring, these identification cards can be beneficial in protecting students and faculty from unauthorized visitors. School identification cards are not the answer to solving all the problems faced in schools today. The cards can help the daily activities of the school run more efficiently and increase security to the students and staff. Requiring students to wear the identification cards gives a sense of security to all involved. Students, parents, and school staff can benefit from the proper use of identification cards. ...