wn house. In Hanuman House everyone is supposed to beequal. Equality is a virtue in the Tulsi household. Nobody is supposed tochallenge this idea because it is seen as disrespect to the Tulsi family. Mr.Biswas purchase of the dollhouse for his daughter , Savi, manifests histrue feelings and aspirations. He wants the best for his family. Thisdollhouse is the epitome of his dream house. This house represents whathe wants to own for himself. By owning this house Mr. Biswas is able tochallenge the ideas of this feudal society. He conquers all of the obstaclesthat are placed in front of him by this rigid society. When Shama crushesthe house into a million pieces this is a symbol of all of the obstacles that Mr. Biswas comes across. He is not going to let this dream of his becrushed because it isnt the way which is accepted in this society. Hedoes what he wants to do and doesnt care what is going to be said abouthim....