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Actuality of the Dream

et they effectively evoke the emotions necessary to remind people that almost everywhere, liberty so natural to mankind is refused, or rather enjoyed but by their tyrantsthe very delirium of tyranny tramples on the best gifts of nature and sports with the fate, the happiness, the lives of millions; there the extreme fertility of the ground always indicates the extreme misery of the inhabitants (864). Just as James` seemingly perfect new world was establishing itself, it also came crashing down with the harsh awareness that there are terrible things that occur, often times unavoidable, and the world is not the picture of perfection as he had previously believed. This drastic transformation in Crevecoeurs tone, from happiness to deep distress, continues as Revolution sets in and fear and despair consume James and disrupt the flawlessness of his world.As the Revolutionary War commences, no longer are images of bliss and prosperity evident. Instead, anguish and despair are now prevalent and Crevecoeurs ever-altering tone depicts this transformation. James no longer is assured of his surroundings, instead, he reflects that he must seek some sort of remedy adapted to remove or to palliate it; situated as I am, what steps should I take that will neither injure nor insult any of the parties, and at the same time save my family from that certain destruction which awaits it if I remain here much longer (872). This dismal tone provides now only sole concern for his family and self and the insight that self-preservation is now, and should always be, the only rule by which to faithfully live and abide by. James` world, where the American ought to love his country, where the rewards of his industry follow with equal steps the progress of his labor, and new opinions and ideas are entertained, is no longer a familiar place, instead it is a foreign land where fear industriously increased with every sound (867). The evils of the war were gradual. However...

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