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Character and Theme Analysis of Great Expectations

y in love with, and the trigger to his transition to snobbery. Estella was raised to break mens hearts as a revenge for Miss Havishams severely broken heart from her youth, and Pip becomes a toy for the two, some one for Estella to practice her charm and cruelty on. On one occasion, Pip says, I thought I overheard Miss Havisham answer only it seemed so unlikely Well, you can break his heart. (Page 59) This is an excellent example of Dickens tactful foreshadowing, and displays a glimpse of Miss Havishams plot to the reader.The mansion is a hugely significant part of the story, because it is here Pip was looked down on, spoken to as to an inferior, referred to only as Boy, and it is the founding location of his great expectations.I feel it is ironic that this estate is where Pip finds out about what he calls polite society, but at Satis House, society is anything but polite. When Estella, through her blatant lack of regard for Pips feelings, brings to his attention for the first time his coarse hands, thick boots, and his existence as nothing but a common laboring boy, it not only points out Pips own faults, but also leads to and heightens his awareness, and eventually shame, of Joes.The turning point away from Pips simplicity of mind is in the final official visit to Miss Havisham, which is the first time he was ashamed of Joe. With which he took them out, and gave them, not to Miss Havisham, but to me. I am afraid I was ashamed of the dear good fellow - I know I was ashamed of him - when I saw that Estella stood at the back of Miss Havisham's chair, and that her eyes laughed mischievously. I took the indentures out of his hand and gave them to Miss Havisham Again, he mentions Estella as a cause of indignity.At this point, Pip is no longer an innocent child. He is on his way to becoming the snob of a man consumed by false values and shallow materialism that the reader comes to know as the adult Pip, and it is also a main focus in this...

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