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To Kill a Mockingbird How Scott Develops from a tomboy to a young lady

g (Lee, 259). Since Jem enjoys doing “manly” things, Scout does them as well for she does not know any better and she wants to gain Jem’s respect for her. As time goes by, Jem starts to mature himself, from an irresponsible boy to a sensitive, gentlemen, Mister Jem; he is always Scout’s adored older brother. As Scout gets older, her Aunt Alexandra decides to try and get Scout to act more like the Jean Louise that she wants her be. The only time that Aunt Alexandra was around for a long period of time was during the trial when she came to live with the Finches when Atticus was the lawyer for Tom. Even though she disagrees with her brother, Atticus, with his way of raising his children, especially Scout, who should be taught to be a lady believes that in time, she will “come around”As Scout gets a little older, she soon realizes that she will have to start acting like a lady. She begins to understand why Aunt Alexandra wants her to act the way that she does. She comes to understand her Aunt and believes there is something interesting in learning how to be a lady. She most realizes this when Jem and Dill go swimming and she couldn’t go because they are swimming nude. Aunt Alexandra decides to invite the missionary Ladies for a tea party to discuss the current events in the town of Maycomb (their hometown). Aunt Alexandra dresses Scout up in a dress and Scout seems to like it. Opposed to the first day of school, where she didn’t want to leave her room. She sits with the ladies and they have interesting conversations. Scout begins to argue with the Ladies but then remembers her manners and decides not to challenge them. Scout helps Calprunia bring the food out and copies the way that she opens the door and come to the conclusion that being a lady isn’t as bad as she thought it would be. Scout also begins to believe that she wants to start acting like a lady a little bit more because she i...

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