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Wuthering Heights6

s her son to cease living in the same household as her. With fate starting this conflict, when Clym came back home to the Moors, the same reason was to blame for the separation between the two characters. The reason being is that none of the characters could have prevented this from happening, simply because it was meant to be. With all these things happening, they set the fate for the three characters which die because of the unalterable events which cause them to occur.Firstly, the death of Mrs. Yoebright was a direct result of Fate because of how it came to Mrs. Yoebright attempting the walk to her son’s home to make amends with him. Before this could happen, there had to be a string of events which made it her fate that she dies. These events began with the gambling of the inheritance money that Mrs. Yoebright gave to Christien to deliver to Clym and his cousin. The reason for her doing that was to try to get Clym to forgive her for throwing him out of her home, but of course, as the saying goes, “what might go wrong, can and will.” On the way to deliver the money, Christien runs into a group bound for gambling, where he enters a lottery and wins. This encourages Christien to bet the inheritance with Damon Wildeve, since he believes that he will go on a lucky winning streak. After winning the money from Christien, Damon is challenged by Diggory Venn, who in turn, wins the money from Wildeve. Fate takes a hold of Mrs. Yoebright, when she doesn’t hear from her son after believing that he had received the money. The reason for her going to visit Clym. But when nobody answers the door and she leaves disappointed to make the long walk back home, when she faints and dies of an Adder bite. Mrs. Yoebright could not have done anything to change what happened to her, because it just was supposed to happen the way it did. With the death of Mrs. Yoebright, it was Eustacia and Damon’s turns to be engu...

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