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catch 22

aped, ".. lady was backed up against on of the fluted Corinthian columns by a drunken young soldier..." (424) or the young woman leaving her old mother behind, without helping them. Encountering Aarfy is key in the role of Yossarian's change.Yossarian gets his morals in line, and actually tries to get Aarfy to stop. He is horrified by Aarfy's actions, which causes him to open his eyes and face his own problems. Heller created the different characters and their interactions in dealing with the use of varying perspectives in value or moral judgements, to enhance certain traits. To complete the exploration of contrast, Yossarian asks, "..How many honest men were liars, brave men cowards, loyal men traitors, how many sainted men were corrupt, how many people in positions of trust had sold their souls to blackguards for petty cash, how many had never had souls?" (423). Heller does not offer clearly defined answers, but he raises many good questions through Yossarian's war experiences. The main evolution revolves around Yossarian's status and state of mind. It is in the self-exploration and the absurd, often immoral values that surround him that Yossarian achieves his main role of hero.However, by resorting to trying to escape after much change in values in perspective, Yossarian, in the process of doing so, sheds his claim to the heroic role....

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