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how to write an essay

m.Describe: Gather a set of facts and information about the topic and carefully "list" the information.Discuss: Examine the various viewpoints and compare and contrast them. This requires a detailed answer from you.Evaluate: This asks you to do two things: 1) present the facts 2) give a detailed explanation why some facts are more important or valid than others.Justify: Present a reasonable explanation for any opinions expressed (this may be opinions provided in the essay question which you are asked to "justify"). It is always good practice to justify any opinions which you present in a paper.Summarize: Provide the main points and facts in condensed form. DO NOT provide illustrations of a point or highlight unnecessary trivia.Trace: This asks you to follow a sequence of events from some starting point. In the example provided you could be asked to trace the history of the IMF from its inception to the present....Words to watch out for. Words such as "better," "more influential," "stronger" often demand that you substantiate them. More influential than what? If you are comparing several institutions, say for example the World Bank and the IMF, you need to avoid making a statement like, "The IMF is better than the World Bank." This statement provides no factual evidence and, unless you can reference a source for that statement, will be detrimental to your essay. So avoid vague words and make sure that you provide evidence to support any statements which are normative.Step 3:Starting the writing process... You should begin by writing down any ideas you have about the topic. Do not worry about whether the ideas are relevant yet, simply get a sheet of paper and note your thoughts. An idea that you might consider rejecting could easily become important later on. This is called brainstorming about a topic. Your random list of ideas will help you focus your topic and provide a basis from which to start writing.Generating a thesis... The thesis...

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