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java vs c

ssed to a C or C++ program. For example, when someone starts a C++ program, the system passes two parameters to it: argc- the number of arguments in the command line, and argv- a pointer to an array of strings that contain the arguments. When a Java application is started, the system passes only one parameter, args- an array of Strings (not a pointer to an array) that contain arguments. Speaking of strings, (A string is a series of characters, much like a sentence.)(Prata 1995, 8), they are different in Java. In C++, strings are stored in arrays, in Java strings are treated as their own objects, and do not have to be stored and recalled from a certain place. Java and C++ each have their own advantages. C++ is viewed as a solid, mature, mainstream tool, and it has widespread industry support making it "good' from a business perspective. There are countless numbers of companies and government sites that make use of C++, and the number of C++ developers doubles every year. From a business perspective, C++ has many benefits. First, it has a huge installed base, which means there will be multi vendor support for tools, environments, consulting services, etc. C++ is also becoming standardized, there are American and international groups working closely with each other to develop a standard C++ language.(, on the other hand is it's own set of benefits. The purely object oriented nature of C++ has enabled the developers of Java to remove language features that can cause security problems or impose ambiguities in the code. One of the biggest benefits of Java is the fact that it is machine independent. Java is compiled into a machine independent bytecode. The byte code is then interpreted by a virtual machine running on the host computer. This is what makes Java so attractive for web authoring, ...

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