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slaughterhouse 5

. This ability allows them to focus on the pleasant moments in the history of the Universe and ignore the aspects of time they dislike. Thus, the firebombing of Dresden is just a tiny frame in the vast space time continuum. The guilt of Billy's being saved is reconciled by eliminating the existence of a past, present, and future. Since any fraction of time is accessible in the Tralfamadorian world death is just a tiny part of existence that is ignored like the firebombing of Dresden. Billy Pilgrim reinvents himself and his universe to gain purpose in his guilt-ridden life. The Tralfamadorians are real to Billy because without them he cannot live with himself . Billy believes that he was taken by a Tralfamdorian ship to be an exhibit of a human being in a Tralfamdorian Zoo. On Tralfamador, Billy is exposed to an entire new way of thinking which neutralizes the "Why me?" question. In the Tralfamdorian view of the Universe, guilt does not exist because in their view one is not responsible for one's actions. Whatever will, or has happened will always happen and did always happen. There is no way to change the course of events. Everything is predetermined. Billy is told by the Tralfamadores (regarding Tralfamador) that: Today we do (have peace). On other days we have wars as horrible as any you've ever seen or read about. There isn't anything we can do about them, so we simply don't look at them. We ignore them. We spend eternity looking at pleasant moments (Vonnegut 101). The Tralfamadorians even now when and who will destroy the Universe, yet they make no attempt to stop it because in their eyes it cannot be stopped. Billy, by accepting the Tralfamadorian view, frees himself from the guilt which one feels when one is locked in time and responsible for one's actions. Billy Pilgrim grasps the Tralfamadorian philosophy and insists the Tralfamadorian world exists because it eliminates the "Why me?" question. Guilt is a feeling of responsibilit...

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