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victor frankenstein

s. His rejection and misfortune was not caused by his actions, but rather his appearance, a physical trait that he could not change. The creature's problem was that he was ugly and deformed. He did not choose to be physically deformed. Victor created him that way. Thus, Victor is ultimately responsible for the being's rejection. The creature was completely alone. His own creator could not tolerate the sight of him and deserted him. He was left with nobody. The monster explained that he was a "poor, helpless, miserable wretch; I knew, and could distinguish, nothing" (91). He had to discover survival, language, and knowledge alone. Every time he tried to befriend someone, he was rejected. This is particularly tragic because the monster's only desire was companionship. He even vowed, "if any being felt emotions of benevolence towards me, I should return them hundred and a hundred fold" (105). Because of the monster's intense desire for companionship accompanied by his unalterable state of loneliness, I feel sorry for the monster. I find the creature to be very miserable an abandoned. He had no one who could reduce his pain and sufferings. He was a lonely child who needed to be taught right from wrong by his father and creator Victor Frankenstein. Therefore, I don’t find the creature responsible for his actions; I find Victor responsible for all murders that creature did. Victor is chargeable for the death of his best friend Henry. He never told anything about his creation to Henry. When Henry saw how ill Victor was he asked him: "How ill you are. What is the cause of all this?" (58). Henry never received an answer to his question. However, Henry saved Victor's life by nursing him for several months, in return Victor replied: "Dearest Crerval how kind, how very good you are to me. This whole winter, instead of being spent in study, as you promised yourself, has consumed in my sick room. How shall I ever repay you" (59)? Victor's kindn...

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