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The French Revolution

e in society once again. Nobles, as a result acquired tons of manufactured goods and some even demanded that the peasants living in their region purchase their goods only from them. The King also permitted noblemen to gather in large groups with dogs and servants, and wander across the peasant fields in search of sport. While hunting, the nobles would destroy the growing crops, and farmers were forbidden from planting or digging in their fields in case that they should disturb the game. However it was a crime punishable by death for a commoner to kill and feed the game to his starving family. So, the peasants harvest was also ruined, and they were left without any resources to pay their tax. The nobles also sped through the streets of Paris in carriages, unaware of the common people who were hard at work on the streets. People were also displeased with the corrupt and weak law system. King Louis XVI used royal arrest warrants that did not indicate the reason for arrest. His agents arrested men without following any of the restrictions imposed by law. Men who were only suspected of crimes such as smuggling were taken to a prison, and placed into an absolutely dark dungeon, with only small hollow pillars, which connected these cells to the outside for air. Then they were fastened to the wall by heavy chains, and were supplied with only a little straw, bread, and water. These dungeons were built to obtain treacherous criminals, but men who were simply suspected of smuggling were confined in these places. In spite of this, citizens of different social classes had similar political opinions. The middleclass and the peasantry wanted more power for themselves. Even the nobles, although pleased with the special treatment they received from the King, were afraid that if one person or even a group of magistrates held legislative and executive powers, than tyrannical laws might be passed and than executed in a tyrannical manner. As a result, the m...

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