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Animal farm vs the godfather

eader can begin to draw parallels between the books characters and the government in 1914-1944 Russia. For example, Old Major, who invented the idea of animalism, is seen as representing Karl Marx, the creator of communism. Snowball represents Trotksy, a Russian leader after the revolution. He was driven out by Napoleon, who represents Stalin, the most powerful figure in thecountry. Napoleon then proceeded to remove the freedoms of the animals, and established a dictatorship, under the public veil of animalism. Pigs represent the ruling class because of their stereotype: dirty animals with insatiable appetites. Boxer, the overworked, incredibly strong, dumb horse represents the common worker in Russia. The two surrounding farms represent two of the countries on the global stage with Russia at the time, Germany and England.Orwell begins his book by criticizing the capitalists and ruling elite, who are represented in Animal Farm by Mr. Jones, the farmer. He is shown as a negligent drunk, who constantly starved his animals. His character is already established as self-indulgent and uncaring. (King, 8) Orwell shows us how, if only animals became aware of their strength, we should have no power over them, and that men exploit animals in much the same way as the rich exploit the proletariat. (Gardner, 97) What was established in Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution was not true communism (animalism), which Orwell approved of, where the people owned all the factories and land. Rather, state communism was established, where a central government owned them. Orwell thought that such a political system, state communism, was open to exploitation by its leaders. Napoleon, after gaining complete control, did anything he wished reserved the best for the pigs, and treated the other animals cruelly. The animals could not do anything, unless they again realized their strength in numbers against their own kind. Unfortunately, they were to...

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