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I hate dutch

The worst movie I have seen lately has to be Dutch. A less than heart warming movie about a misunderstood little rich kid and his mother's working class boyfriend traveling home for thanks giving dinner. They go on to a have a not so exciting adventure with a totally ridiculous story driving this train wreck. Not only is everything that happens in this story totally unbelievable. Each event gives you another reason to dislike one of the characters a little more. By the end of this movie I found myself not caring if these to made it home or died in the process. In the beginning of the story the boy's mother and father have gotten a divorce. I was a messy affair leaving the mother at the mercy of the father. She has moved on and started dating a man named Dutch with a working class background. The boy, Henry, is away at boarding school awaiting his father's visit that will never happen. The mother desperate to be there for her son tries to convince him to come see her for the holiday. Henry refuses because he blames his mother for not making her marriage work. And this is were the whole thing falls apart. The mother, Mary, decides that she would really like for her son to come to her house. So she sends Dutch to go up and bring the boy to her. So off like a bounty hunter in the old west Dutch goes out to get his man. And our adventure begins. Now right here is were I get a little confused. I just can't help to wonder why Dutch, a man this poor boy has never met, is going to pick him up. Its not like this school is an hour away its a couple a day's in the car together. And this might be ok under better conditions. But, considering that this child has a lot of anger towards his mother. You would think that this would be a good opportunity for them to talk. Not to mention the fact that Henry hasn't excepted his parents divorce and the last thing he is going to want to do is meet her new boyfriend, who is taking his father's place in Mary's...

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