If you think about it, today’s world is not such what we call “user-friendly” place. Unemployment, severe diseases, global droughts and other dreadful natural disasters that are about to happen to our lives. Even better, the more time passes, the more chances youget to face them in the future. But what the heck, everyone will eventually face all of thoseproblems one day. Danger, devotion, abomination, curiosity, and alterations are alwayspresent in our lives. You might think that Pleasantville is pleasant. Well do I have somenews for you: nope. The name “Pleasantville” is just a simple irony that’s all. In Pleasantville, everyone is so empty in their minds. For instance, every characteralways did the same thing over and over. It’s like everything falls into the right way that itshould be. The basketball players always score, the wives are always cooking and takinggood care of the husbands and children. Husbands are working, children are little preciousangels who never get in any kind of trouble. No worries, no problems, just plain goodstability. There is no wrong for them because everything was in sync. It would be really tough to adjust to that kind environment where everythingbecomes dull and unbearable. No color, no fire, nothing exciting except the way Bud madeevery shot to the basket without even trying to. No changes what’s so ever.As soon as the characters saw changes, everything was getting completelydifferent. Not like the Pleasantville that everyone new. Color, was the maintransformation. All of the sudden things turned colored. Why? Because of the changes thatwere not supposed to happen in that town. Then people turned color. Why? It’s a mysteryfor the audience.Some people from the audience say that the characters turned color because theyfelt some extreme feeling towards something, someone, or even themselves. Like the otherscene where Betty was in the shower. Now that ...