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Gun Control2

be the victim of crime than a law enforcement officer, yet those who control the Federal government in Washington wish to make it illegal for any citizens to defend himself! The best place to stop crime is at the time of it's occurrence; in other words, were the 7,653 citizens armed they could in most cases prevent the crime at the point of it's occurrence. The police almost always arrive at the scene of a crime after the occurrence of the crime. Logically speaking, if the rules governing gun ownership are to be un-democratically applied, it makes far more sense to disarm the police than the citizens. The police can of course, once the one-week waiting period is over, obtain a firearm just like citizens. Their arms should, however, be kept under lock and key at the police station. Then, just like citizens, if they get into trouble they can call 911 for armed help to come save them.One week waiting periods before the purchase of a firearm should be democratically applied. If it makes sense for a citizen to be required to wait a week in order to buy a firearm for protection, then it makes equally good sense for the police and FBI to do the same. Innocent people are killed every year by both agencies. If enforcement agencies had to wait a week before they could get a pistol, countless lives would be saved. A true example of this type of situation occurred recently in Houston, Texas where two armed robbers held up a large super market. The police advised of a hold up in progress placed officers at all exits. As the holdup progressed and shoppers became aware of the stickup, several tried to flee the robbers. The first three shoppers out the door were shot by a female police officer, two died. How does a one-week waiting period sound for this police officer? Now, it can be argued that most officers never shoot an innocent person with their side arms. Quite true. The same is true for most citizens who own guns.If our cites are so safe that c...

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