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Why the US Needs the United Nations

ne, the US has become the police force of the world. If the world is kept secure, then international problems can be solved before the water ripples. But, aggressive situations cannot be pacified with polite words in a conference hall. Military force and financial funds are needed in the process of securing peace. Obviously, the US has its own nation to run, it won’t abandon its country to save others. The US can’t handle the financial burdens and world supervision to enforce such peace alone. A different perspective is to consider where the US would be if the UN did not exist. It certainly would not have as good overseas relations with troubled countries. Another world war could have easily occurred with the tension that existed between the United States and the Soviet Union. We the people wouldn’t feel as secure about many aspects in our daily lives such as food, health, finances, environment, employment, and education. The United Nations touches so many facets of the government and the lives of the American people; it’s difficult to imagine our nation without it.Now the United States, along with 184 other nations, are united with the same goal to shape the international community. The United Nations is the lifeblood of world peace, we need it to correct inequity and create harmony for all humankind. ...

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