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Booker T Washington

ng, blacksmithing, carpentering(G) to Blacks. These things are good, but they result in Negroes spending time studying about thethings which might had been or might be,(I) according to historian Carter Woodson. Washington also receives contempt from activist Ida Wells Barnett, who regards hisindustrial education for the Negro as his hobby(H). Du Bois, on the other hand,acknowledges the efforts being made to curtail the educational opportunities of thecolored children(F) and he sees the most meager chance for developing. . .exceptionalmen(E) within the Black community. Du Bois observations are justified by the landmarkcourt case of Plessy v. Ferguson, where the notion of separate but equal is deemedconstitutional. In response to these things Du Bois states bluntly that black boys neededucation as well as white boys.(E) Washington and Du Bois voice their platforms oneducation while no more then thirty to thirty-five percent of Blacks between the ages offive to nineteen are enrolled in school(A). The statistic causes Washington to be shunnedonce again for his stance, and Du Bois is again embraced for his radical stance.Both men realize the impending crisis and the deleterious effects apathy will haveon the future if no one steps up to the plate. Although the varying approach and ideologyof Washington and Du Bois creates some internal sectional division, they succeed inperpetuating the Civil Rights Movement. Washington, being the more passive activist bynature, is regarded by some Black historians as a traitor. The radical adversary oflegalistic approach, Du Bois, wins the majority of the Black community with hisaggressive ideology.I. Introductory A. free but not equal B. transition from 19th to 20th century C. common goal D. different strategies E. thesis: Booker T. Washingtons gradualism stance gives him wide spread appeal among both blacks and whites, although W.E.B. Du Bois has the upper hand when it comes to ideology deali...

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