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Building the atomic bomb

1941 Heisenberg reported negative results from his first experiments using a reactor, which caused him to conclude that heavy water must be used9. This premature conclusion would affect the progress and fate of the Uranium project. The next set back came in September of 1941 when the previously favored Clusius-Dickel isotope-separation method was abandoned due it becoming thought of as unworkable because of corrosion from Uranium Hexafluoride10. The head of the Army Weapons Research showed doubts about the Uranium Project on Dec. 5, 1941 when he ordered a review of the project and indicated that soon Germany would not be able to support the research11. When support was cut, the atomic bomb was believed to be impossible. This, along with the predicted time need for the project and the estimated funds needed, gave Germany encouragement to end the Uranium Project.Meanwhile, the US research was quickly progressing, leading the government to increase funds and resources. The US and Britain were expecting a long, torturous war, which allowed the Allied forces to proceed with their research free of a time constraint imposed by the length of the war. The question of the length of war was a deciding factor for the German Uranium Project. Germany predicted a short war, without the possibility of producing an atomic bomb before the wars end. Because of this prediction research began to seem futile and unnecessary. This is another example of how Germanys self-confidence was allowed to influence their decisions. Germanys pride and self-assurance led them to believe they were the only country capable of producing an atomic bomb. The Allied forces never doubted Germanys production capability, but at the same time they were confident in their own ability to produce the atomic bomb. The belief in Germanys ability to produce an atomic bomb was the main instigator pushing the Allied forces to not only start research, but also to pursue it vigorou...

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