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t and into world affairs. The Truman Doctrine led to a major change in U.S. foreign policy from its start to its indirect influence in Korea and Vietnam. The aftermath of World War II inspired the U.S. to issue a proclamation that would stem communist influence throughout the world. However, our enthusiasm in that achievement sent our soldiers to die in Vietnam and Korea for a seemingly futile cause. The Truman Doctrine would change the foreign policy of the United States, and the world. This policy would first be applied in the form of aid to support the democratic regimes in Turkey and Greece. These nations were being threatened by Soviet-supported rebels who were seeking to overthrow the government and install a Communist regime. A direct result of this doctrine was, of course, the Marshall Plan. The Marshall Plan was designed to give aid to any European country damaged during World War II. It tremendously helped ravaged European nations such as Italy and France. By helping them economically, the Marshall Plan indirectly helped to stem growing Communist sentiment in these countries. Truman's plan for peacetime aid, the Truman Doctrine, was unprecedented in history and he faced a hostile Republican Congress through which to pass it. However, Truman informed Congress of the troubles facing Italy, Germany and France. They and small, fragile Middle-eastern states faced direct threats from Communism. Congress had problems with Truman's plan. It paid little attention to Communism outside Europe. Nonetheless, two months later on May 15, 1947, the bill passed. This was a change of grand proportions in U.S. Foreign policy. The United States had gone from isolationists to internationalists. This Doctrine is in direct contrast to the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine served as the U.S. Foreign policy for well over 150 years. It essentially stated that the U.S. would not intervene in the World'...

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