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Canada Confilcting Ideas of the Past

iciousness and sullenness that caused the Metis to seek out new lands in Saskatchewan not malice on the part of the government. Unfortunately, what the Metis soon discovered was that their status as first settlers into the North West Territories, didnt exempt them from the, Dominion Lands Act that had been passed. Stanley believes the government may have been wrong to disregard the Metis claims. The attempt to impose an unfamiliar, and to the Metis unsatisfactory system of survey, and thus deprive them of their river- frontages and destroy their community life, invited armed resistance.4 Therefore, nobody, least of all the government, should have been surprised by the fact that the Metis once again went south to seek out Riel, or that once again, a provisional government was formed. Why wouldnt the Metis do exactly what they had done in The Red River Rebellion after all, their demands had been met in 1870, why wouldnt the same tactics work again? In Stanleys view the governments reaction to the resistance was way too strong because Riel had no intention of fighting the Dominion with arms: it had not been necessary in 1869 it would not be necessary in 1885. Canada would be shocked into a negotiated settlement as before, But instead of commissioners came troops.5 Canadas disregard of the Saskatchewan land question was clear and the case against the Government is conclusive,6 but Canada was only guilty of ministerial incompetence, parliamentary indifference and administrative delay.7 and although they made some mistakes administering the policies, they were well intentioned, and certainly werent purposely causing compulsory migrations.8 He states that the government had to suppress the rebellion of 1885, but in doing so, they did little killing, looting and property damage and reason and conciliation prevailed9 which shows that the government was a compassionate government.Stanleys approach to the rebellions was one of balanced...

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