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causes of WWI

ope had even more reason not to trust each other.In 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary made a visit to Bosnia-Herzegovina, a part of Austria-Hungary where many Serbian people lived. Franz Ferdinand was the heir to the Habsburg throne -- some day he would become the emperor of Austria-Hungary. He happened to visit on the anniversary of the Battle of Kossovo, June 28, 1914. The Serbs celebrate the Battle of Kossovo as a day of liberation, because it was the day an invading Turkish Sultan had been killed. The Serbian people did not trust Franz Ferdinand. He had a plan for a dual monarchy which would have taken power from the Serbs killed their hope for a Serbian nation. At the time of Franz Ferdinand's visit, there was a lot of anger towards Austria, and a member of the Black Hand, a Serbian terrorist group, killed the Archduke and his wife on the day of Serbian celebration. Their murder caused the whole world to be shocked and angry.The Habsburg government in Vienna decided to use the murder as a reason to declare war against the Serbs and stamp out their revolution to eliminate Serbia as a political power in the Balkans. The Austrian emperor, Franz Josef, sent a letter to his ally, the German emperor, and asked for German support to wipe out the Serbian threat.Germany was allied with Austria-Hungary and Italy to form the Triple Alliance. Britain, France and Russia were allies, called the Triple Entente. Serbia was also allied with Russia, but the Austrians and Germans didn't think Russia was ready for war. So, on July 28th, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia agreed to help the Serbs, so Germany declared war on Russia on August 1, 1914. Two days later, Germany declared war on France and began to march through Belgium. When the Germans entered Belgium, Great Britain declared war on Germany. Suddenly the world was at war. The United States was shocked by the war in Europe. When the war started...

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