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French Revolution

. Thousands of suspects against the revolution were executed, by means of the newly invented guillotine, including the king’s wife, Marie Antoinette. In the early months of 1794, other leaders were beheaded for trying to stop the Reign of Terror. Finally, on July 27, 1794 the National Convention arrested Robespierre. He was beheaded the next day. After this incident, the Convention wanted to make sure this never happened again so they drew up a new constitution, setting up the Directory. The Directory consisted of five members who had basically all power in France. One of the members was Napoleon Bonaparte.After Napoleon was victorious in Italy, he came back as the strongest military leader in France and with approval of many officials, he overthrew the Directory. Napoleon became dictator of France. Napoleon Bonaparte was born in 1769. He was sent to military school at the age of ten. He was an outstanding student, and received his commission in the artillery in 1785. He first attracted attention with his major role in the removal of the British from Toulon. He was then promoted to brigadier general and he was sent to fight the war with Italy. He returned to France victorious and as a decorated military leader. In October of 1795, a group of royalists, those who followed the King, uprose against the National Convention in Versailles. The Convention appointed Napoleon to protect Versailles against the mob. Napoleon dispersed the mob and he was given command of the army of the interior. After a series of victories in Italy, he was appointed commander in chief of the army in Italy. Napoleon then attacked Egypt and eventually India to crush Britain. Since Britain was an island Napoleon decided to blockade all imported and exported goods. All of Europe agreed to this, except for Russia. Napoleon became angry and invaded Russia. Since Moscow was hundreds of miles inland, Russia’s Czar decided to let Napoleon mar...

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