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Indian religon

st receive nirvana and will continue to live until you burn off the rest of there Karma (personal acts that create consequences). Once all karma has been released from system final nirvana (parinirvana) will occur at death.Hinduism, as stated before, features three major gods, Vishnu, Shiva, and Devi. Vishnu started off as a relatively minor god related to the sun and developed into an almighty savior god who continues to try to the best for the people. Shiva began began as the “health” god who was able to cure and create ill, but then became a major god who’s followers believe is superior to Vishnu or Devi, Shiva is probably the most worshipped of the three gods. Devi is the third god who is considered the mother of Hinduism, could be the most respected woman in Indian religion. Hinduism is one of the most flexible religions there has ever been. Unlike many other religions, worshipers have choices such as which god(s) they will worship and pray to. Hindus believe in in the step cycle of life. Which is you start out as a lower being and climb your way up through the ladder of life. Like some might start out as a bee and will take many lives and pay there dues to work there way up to a human being. Hindu’s are very careful to hurt no living be-beings because every living animal is important and has an ultimate purpose.Buddhism and Hinduism are similar in some ways and drastically different in others. The largest similarity would have to be the location of the two religions, which started out in India and eventually branched out to the rest of Asia, and eventually the rest of the world. Buddhism of course came from the ways of Buddha and Hinduism was kind of a branch off Buddhism so essentially both religions originated from Buddha. Both Hinduism and Buddhism are similar in some beliefs such as karma. Both religions believe that every action you make will have a later affect or consequence. They also bo...

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