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he other, and delirious from this dreadful disease, most of them singing, some in Latin, others in German, others again in Italian - and singing psalms, canticles, or the mass." pg 210, 1812 Napoleon's Defeat in Russia General Clausewitz wrote, " The bad water and the air-borne insects caused dysentery, typhus, and diarrhea." pg 136, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia Brett James also wrote, " Bad water, bad air, and bad sanitation all contributed to the vile diseases." pg 213 1812, Napoleon's defeat in Russia Napoleon had lost about 80,000 men altogether from diseases alone. But there were some remedies for the sick, doctors provided gruel for the dysentery and warm soup for the colds. Napoleon could have lowered the casualties if he had brought more doctors and more supplies. When Napoleon had finally reached Moscow, he discovered it deserted. Two days later, a great fire broke out in Moscow, temporarily forcing Napoleon and some of his troops out of Moscow. If Napoleon had reached Moscow with at 300,000 men instead of 90,000, he could have continued his campaign and defeat the weakened Russian army. The Emperor could have reached Moscow with at least 300,000 men if he had taken better care of his troops and had not fought every battle that he came across. Brett James shows that Napoleon regarded his army as mere numbers and did not contemplate that they would be affected by hunger and fatigue. " He would not have lost a 100,000 men if he had not chosen on every occasion to take the bull by the horns." pg 86, 1812 Napoleon's Defeat in Russia " Moscow was a good weeks march away, but already the army was already disintegrating through sheer hunger." pg 147, 1812 Napoleon's Defeat in Russia General Clausewitz also relates with Brett by declaring, " He reached Moscow with 90,000 men, he should have reached it with 300,000. This would have happened if he treated his army with more care and forbearance." pg 255, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia ...

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