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African government. It was heard in their heated discussions in the classroom and around school about ways that they can gain their freedom. The children’s unity was also seen when they decided to take on the South African government themselves by fighting back with the same tactics that the South African used—violence. Collectivity is also seen at the end of the movie when the children performed the song and dance of Nelson Mandela’s return and him leading South Africa once again.Sarafina! also changed the traditional role of women. In the film, the young girl, Sarafina, was the main character. She was outspoken, rebellious, and determined to stop the oppressive South African government at any cost. Sarafina was the one who always came up with all the ideas and did all the planning. She was the one who took matters into her own hands even when no one stood behind her. She was goal-oriented and the strong link of all the children of South Africa. There was the scene in which Sarafina anxiously requests to play Nelson Mandela in the play. When one of her male classmates states that she is a girl and that girls cannot play Nelson Mandela, Sarafina quickly proves him wrong. Then, low and behold, at the end of the movie, Sarafina played the part of Nelson Mandela.In Sarafina!, Mrs. Masambuca (played by Whoopi Goldberg), is a role model for a good and caring teacher. She encouraged thought among the students and helped them to formulate ideas using history on how to stop the oppressive South African government. She also served as a big influence for Sarafina. Mrs. Masambuca knew that Sarafina was a strong girl who just needed encouragement and assurance for her plans to gain freedom. Mrs. Masambuca provided that, as well as other advice to the other children, without telling them directly; she let the children figure the answers out themselves. The children of South Africa, and Sarafina, needed Mrs. Masambu...

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