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Solon of Athens

is conceivable that Solon may have done his work during his archonship in 594/3, most of this evidence would seem to point to that fact that Solon probably wrote, or finished his nomethesia after his archonship, possible as much as thirty years later. The first point that would support Solon having written his nomothesia in the years following his archonship is that it would be very difficult to write something so large as a low code and have it accepted and passed by the governing body all in the span of about one year. To write the laws for an entire state would take quite some time to accomplish and that doesn't even include the process of having the laws instituted. "Bit it is difficult to believe that the task of writing down the law comprehensively could be complete within one year It is far more likely that Solon was given a special commission, which lasted more than one year." The duties of archonship would also most likely have prevented Solon from completeing his legislation during his term. The responsibilities of being archon would probably have consumed most of his time leaving little time for creating an entirely new law code for Athens. This would clearly support the case that Solon was given a special commission for more than one year and did not complete his legislation in his year of archonship but rather in a subsequent year. In addition to the length of time that it would take to complete such a project, it has been recorded and generally accepted that Solon travelled for a ten year period during which time one of the places that he visited was Egypt. While in Egypt he was said to have taken one of their laws and instituted it in his own law code. "Solon the Athenian got his law from Egypt and established it among his people" This is a law that pertains to every citizen declaring his means of income to his leader which was said to have been gotten from Egypt. If he got this law from Egypt then that would certainly...

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