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To whom does Kievan Rus8217 belong

er. Also, in traditional Russian history, there are sizeable gaps when the Ukrainians are not mentioned. How could one explain these gaps in history, and remain in control? Russian historians claimed that nothing significant happened, because the Ukrainians were little more than uncouth barbarians.There also remain questions about the Ukrainian rationale. For instance, how can one explain the striking similarities of Kiev to Muscovy? The Ukrainian historian would argue that this was merely a case of transplanting ideas within an empire, that Kiev influenced Moscow but did not pass on its power. Also, how can one dispute a history that has been accepted for so long? The Ukrainian historian would claim that because Muscovy and later Russia came to power, they wrote the history. They could then contend that it was written to a Russian bent and could have many mistakes in it as well as untruths.Wilson’s article discusses possible reasons that each side might want to use a made up history, or myth. Russia might have chosen to use a history based on the “all Russia” myths, because they could then contend that they had a right to maintain unity. They could also then dispute the freedom any controlled territory, such as Ukraine, had to rebel against them. They also wanted to be seen as the good side, so they would want to project an image of being liberators of Ukraine and others from the hands of the Mongols.Ukraine, on the other hand, would have the exact opposite reason to use a history based on myths putting forth the idea of separation. If the two regions were separate entities with separate histories, they would have a much stronger case for independence from Russia. They also would project the picture of an oppressed people at the hand of the evil Russians, to gain sympathy for their cause.While Ukraine and Russia could have both been offshoots from the original Rus’ culture, it is not logical that th...

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