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Who in Italy Gained From Fascism

syndicates to manage labor. Syndicates were very similar to labor unions. These syndicates were corporations of workers and employees that were founded in each industry. "In 1938, Mussolini set up the Ministry of Corporations. All persons of similaroccupation or trade were to be grouped into a single syndicate, with the various syndicates being centralized into provincial unions and further into national category federations" (Forman 68).Education in Italy suffered as a result of Fascist government. Throughout the country, education was controlled by Fascists, and the Fascist youths were brainwashed into thinkingFascism was the only, correct, and greatest world power. "The syllabus and cirriculum for schools was repeatedly changed; textbooks were rewritten when one government official wanted more religion, or when another official wanted more economics, and more radically when yet another official ordained that every detail of education must be infused with the highest Fascistprinciples" (Smith 423).Many of the books from earlier parts in Italian history that posed a threat to Fascism, whether real or imagined, were burned. The remaining historical books were rewritten toglorify Italian society and Fascist achievements.People opposed to Fascism often suffered tremendously under Fascist rule. Anyone who spoke out against the Fascist government was arrested, and all too frequently assaultedand even murdered for their outspokenness. "The violence continued throughout the electoral period. According to one record, during the first four and a half months of 1921, there were at least 207 political killings, with distinctly more Socialist than Fascist victims, while another 10 Socialists [were] killed on the day after elections" (Payne 99).The violence in Fascist Italy was so bad that, "The total number of deaths from political violence in Italy for the four years 1919-1922 may have amounted to nearly 2000 deaths" (Payne 106)....

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