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than 35,000 troops and 350 ships to Alexandria Egypt. At this point in time, he occupied Alexandria and Cairo. There he guaranteed Islamic law, and began to reorganize the government. Napoleon liked the ideals of the Enlightment. He used some of those ideals in his law making and reforms. For example he believed in the equality of all citizens. Also he thought that everyone should have the freedom of occupation and freedom of religion. Napoleon thought that there shouldn't be any kind of slavery in France, because it defied the rights of the people. The coup d'etat was an act by Napoleon and Emmanuel Sieyes to overthrow the Directory. The Directory was a new form of government that was established in 1795. It consisted of five members that were elected by both houses of the legislature. This form of government was proved even less effective than the Legislative Assembly and the national convention. Within the Directory there was incompetence and corruption that was putting France in a major debt. It didn't do much to solve the financial problems and military problems in France. Attacks on the republic and other conservatives increased. Rising prices and disrupted production drove some groups in France to armed protests. And foreign hostility to France continued. Then when Napoleon, Sieyes, and their followers got their chance they executed the coup d'etat. Armed soldiers forced legislators from their chambers, and abolished the directory. France proclaimed a new form of government that Napoleon called the Consulate. It was headed by three consuls, and Napoleon was the first consul. Napoleon Bonaparte made many reforms that helped France. One major reform was the Napoleonic Code, Which was a series of laws that some people thought was his greatest achievement ever. This code granted equality to all the citizens of France before the law. It confirmed the end of serfdom and slavery in France. It also gave people the freedom of occu...

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