The Buddah statue is a work of art that sends powerful messages of the past and present to its viewers within one glimpse. The creator definitely had one thing in mind when it was beingmade... and that is to grab attention. The Buddah is a statue of exactly what it is called, Buddah. This statue is an oversizedfigure that gives off a feeling of powerfulness. It is made out of granite, which is a type of rockthat is a rusty brownish color with white speckles. This rock material suits the statue nicely in thefact that Buddah sits confidently and in a rock solid state of mind. It also allows the light toreflect off of the statue and almost makes it glow.His eyes appear to be closed, which makes him look he could be concentrating onsomething and the smile on his facial expression gives off a feeling and theme of calmness. Hisnose is large and long. This fills up most of his face, but at the same time, appears to be inproportion. Though this statue is great in size, it does not look as if it were meant to scare people atall. Buddahs body is curvy and round. He is sitting with his legs crossed and each part of hisbody is touching another part, (ex: arms resting on legs) making the whole figure come togetherand flow as one solid object.Each of Buddahs individual features put together, especially his size, make him seem likea pleasant, yet strong and powerful man of importance....