lem because people are scattered all over the area and no longer is isolated and is available for invasions). This forces civilizations to invade one another and try to take over their area for more resources and spaces. Rome, which was one of the most powerful empires, was expanding at an incredible rate, meanwhile Carthage another civilization was also expanding to. Carthage invaded Rome but lost so now all the land that Carthage had know was Romes territory to rule. This shows how one-civilization expansions can whip out another civilization because of the lack of room and resources. With the invasions from other civilizations also brought diseases, the one civilization would be immune to the disease because their bodies fought it off before and has vaccines in there body to fight it but other would not and would almost whip out a whole civilization. With Agriculture societies they where more pron to get a disease then a hunting and gathering society because they have a sedentary life and the microbes could travel through the soil and water usually it was they own waste that did this to them. Also with the trade between civilizations brought infections and deadly diseases. Microbes had a hay day with this because it was one big breeding ground for them, which caused humans to come to their deaths by thousands. The most deadly carriers of disease where animals which civilization domesticate them for their use. Diamond reply, The major killers of humanity throughout our recent history small poxes, flu, tuberculosis, malaria, plague, measles and the cholera are infectious diseases that evolved from animals, ( 198-97 Diamond). A lot of the times it wasnt how large of an army you had it was what kind of germs that you had brought that could whip out a whole civilization. This was one of the biggest factors in the rise and falls of civilization. If it didnt whip you all out, you were left with very few people left and easy to be invaded. ...