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hitlers rise to power

ore. Hitler saw an opportunity and moved to grasp it (Alexandria 75). When he took power the economy was basically non existent. Hitler did not believe in total truth, instead he relied on halve truths, and big lies. For example he believed that the Jews were a sub -human race, that should be treated terribly and be completely disposed of. The German Workers' Party appealed to Hitler even though they were small, disorganized, and led by a group of misfits. Hitler used this as oppertunity to begin his rise to the top, and to start the destruction of all Jews. Hitler wanted to re-establish the Nazi Party as a political organization which he could seek power exclusively (Shirer 119). Hitler's intermingling with The German Workers' Party was the beginning of the national socialism movement which would soon help Germany become The Third 2Reich. The Nazis offered no program for easing the effects of the depression and no details about how Germany would regain greatness. Hitler was shaping his party to take over Germanys destiny (Shirer 121). Hitler attacked the government, and declared that only the Nazi Party could assure Germans jobs and greatness for Germany. While spending time in prison for leading a protest in Munich, Hitler wrote a book Mien Kampf (My Struggle), in which he states many reasons why the Jews and communists were accountable for the great losses that Germany had experienced from WW I. He also decided on the "final solution" to the "Jewish problem", which was to eliminate the so called Jewish Race. When he took power the economy was basically non existent. Many Germans looked at him as a solution to all their problems. He promised to rebuild the glorious Germany of the past. First he started rebuild their army. Germany was not allowed to have more than 100,000 troops according to the treaty of Versailles. Hitler broke the treaty, and built up his military way beyond what Germany was allowed. Factor...

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