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slavery a Wound In History

he development of the cotton gin and the westward expansion, brought more slaves coming in. Our own founding fathers had slaves. Thomas Jefferson wrote, "all men are created equal," but died leaving his blacks in slavery. Sometimes relationships between master and slave evolved like Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings. Usually women would work in the house, which led to sexual abuse by the owner and relationships.Gradual Abolition and Process of Emancipation led some blacks to freedom. The Underground Railroad helped thousands of blacks to escape from slavery. Free Blacks did try to take a stand, like Demark Vesey. The plan was to burn Charleston down and take over the city. But the plan was betrayed, and thirty-five blacks, including vesey were hanged (Zinn 169). It was hard for blacks to rebel because of the physical geography and the long distances between them and the difference in languages. On a smaller scale blacks would express resistance by refusing duties, being lazy and sloppy work, fighting or attempting to escape. Captured slaves would be beaten, killed, and description of slaves would be passed throughout comminutes. Stories of bloody uprisings caused slave owners living in fear and sleeping with one eyes open.Many blacks suffered for hundreads of years. Slaves were being abused treated inhumanly. They lived through the worst conditions. Slavery put a scare on the path of history. But slaver had not died out; slavery is still going on today but its change from slavery to racism....

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