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soldiers in the civil war

s often woke up before daylight to march and sometimes they would just march right back to where they started(Brown, 120). There were also times when troops would march a couple of hundred yards and end up marching back the next day. It sounds as though there was a lot of unnecessary marching. There was also a lot of unnecessary shooting. There would be picket lines shooting all day every day and the occasional canon shot(Brown, 118). Sometimes there would be picket firing going on into the night(Mohr, 324). Shelling dont scare us as it used to and if they pass us before they burst there is no danger in them. All they do is to make men bow their heads as it passes over(Brown, 116). Food is essential in every day life, and it is very difficult to live without. Little chance to feed and eat(Mohr, 324). Food was not always very abundant during the civil war. Food was sometimes stolen from citizens or even from the enemy. I took 30 men today and went on a scout to the left of our Army, to drive in some cattle near the Yanks picket lines-I went about seven or eight miles-found the cattle in a large field and succeeded in getting 20 head of them, and some of them I got within 200 yards of the Yanks vidette line. Brought the cattle all in and got back just before night- making a complete success of the trip and got no one hurt(Brown, 123). There were also times when enemys would trade goods. There would be Rebels on one side of a river and Union troops on the other side and they would arrange to meet and trade newspapers, salts, coffee, and tobacco(History of the Service, 129). Medical help was a problem if you got hurt. The basic treatment for a gun shot wound was to let it heal on its own or cut of the part that got shot. It was very unlikely to live after being shot. A finger or two were removed, the broken bones were adjusted, and the patient rallied in good spirits from the second administration of chloroform and shock to the system(Camp ...

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