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western enlight

ing to Rousseau is a manipulative way of creating false truths in the minds of children. Instead of learning morals, and learning how to be good, courageous and stand up people, the sciences are showing young ones how to formulate the truth, rather than teaching them how to live a good life and find the truth out for themselves. Rousseau’s next criticism of the Enlightenment, is one that fits real well with the world today. Rousseau insists that any form of Enlightenment produces luxury, “Granted that luxury is a sure sign of wealth; that it even serves, if you like, to increase wealth. What conclusion must be drawn from this paradox so worthy of our time, and what will become of virtue when one must get rich at any price?” (Rousseau, 51) Even in that day and age, money equaled power and respect. It’s the truth and good life that are really at stake here. According to Rousseau, even virtue, which is the main purpose of the Enlightenment, will come second to money, so obviously this Enlightenment is not all its cracked up to be. With this luxury, Rousseau claims that all morals are lost. Everything revolves around the almighty dollar. This statement is not to be taken lightly. Especially in today’s day and age, this proves real. Even if an act is one hundred percent in the wrong; if the price is right, that act suddenly becomes the best of deeds. It’s kind of sad to see that material things can control our train of thought. Rousseau finalizes his theory by stating that this luxury, which is the prize of the Enlightenment, is very destructive not only to morals, but political power as well. By using various David and Goliath type battles that occurred throughout history, Rousseau conveys his hypothesis. In those battles it is the luxurious dynasties such as Rome and England, that fall to people who have no clue what riches are. The only thing that those people had were lots of heart, and sh...

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