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A Sick Man8217s Precious Life

hat mercy killing undermines the part of suffering in our lives. Euthanasia deprives us, particularly the sick, an opportunity to grow in trust, faith, and strength. Instead of thinking of suffering as only ache and agony, we should look at suffering as a way to develop our character and as a test of courageousness. No one likes suffering, no one is willing to suffer, but suffering is inevitable, and so, we must learn to face and conquer it, not by any method of killing. Choosing euthanasia is just like accepting defeat against pain and suffering. Besides the divine law, mercy killing violates the International Code of Medical Ethics and the Hippocratic Oath. Both the code and the oath dictate that doctors have an obligation to preserve human life from its moment of conception. Thus, a physician acts unethically if he intentionally and deliberately enables and individual to end his life.Legalizing and abusing mercy killing can bring many unlikely effects too. An example of which is the lessening of medical researches. The law has a powerful effect on the publics conscience. When a practice becomes widely used and accepted, people tend to support it and cease to have strong feelings about it. An example is the euthanasia program in Nazi Germany. The conscience of doctors who were assigned to terminate lives became numbed. In addition to that, the program gained support from the crowd. The view of society on the protection of human life changed. If killing becomes allowed, terminally ill patients would realize that they have become a burden to their family. They would be more pressured to choose death. Allowing involuntary euthanasia can lead to abuse of opportunities by manipulating a patients consent. When a someone agrees to end the life of a dying incompetent adult or a minor, the process of ending the patients life is called involuntary euthanasia. For example, an incompetent and very sick and old r...

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