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Blaise Pascal

t 19, 1662 from cancer. His most famous work soon became Pensees (Thoughts) in which he tells of deeply personal meditations on human suffering and faith in God. Another major contribution of Pascal is Pascals Gears. Pascals Gears was the first mechanical computing machine ever invented. This machine has a series of interlocking discs and gears; each gear has a digit from zero to nine engraved upon it. A complete turn of any gear caused the gear to the left to make one-tenth of a rotation, displaying the next highest number. This mechanism was used in calculators and adding machines until the 1960s, and is still used in car odometers. Pascals Law is by far the most important of his contributions. Written in 1653, it states that in fluid at rest, pressure on any surface exerts a force perpendicular to the surface and independent of the direction of orientation of the surface. The law includes the Principe that any additional pressure applied to a fluid will be transmitted equally to every point in the fluid. This law is the basis of machines involving hydraulic systems. Pascal discovered very essential concepts of mathematics, making it the way it is today. At the same time, he dwelled in philosophical and religious ideas and concepts. Through both of these ideas runs the common thread of logic, which says something about Pascal himself....

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