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ce in. For some however, helping people is not a top priority when it comes to the teaching profession. Many jobs in society today do not offer the same types of benefits as ones in this area of work. Teachers for example, enjoy holiday vacations, weather delays or postponements and long summers in which they are paid for. Because teaching can become very time consuming, teachers usually welcome these breaks to usually spend time with family, travel or enjoy hobbies that they may not have been able to do while working. Paid time off is enough in itself to attract people towards a teaching occupation and regular salaries have been increasing in recent years as well. Over the past thirty to thirty-five years teachers salaries have increased dramatically. It has been shown that the average school teacher, who works in the Northeast, will make anywhere between thirty-two and forty-five thousand dollars annually plus previously listed benefits. It is also probable that these average salaries are only going to increase with time, thus attracting many more to the field of teaching. With increased salaries, personal gratification, and enjoyable benefits being a teachers main attractant, job security should be at the top of this list as well. If a teacher has been granted tenure after his or her first few years in their profession, he or she may not be removed from their job without exceptional reasoning. Tenure almost guarantees teachers a secure job for life. With all the possibilities that becoming a teacher offers, it is not a surprise that the teaching professions today have been on the rise and will continue to in years to come.Teaching, in recent studies has become one of the most demanding and time consuming professions in society today. The words time consuming and demanding seem to drive would be teachers away from this opportunity because they do not feel that the job is worth the hard work. Although almost everyone knows a thing or t...

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