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Students spend hours doing it, teachers spend hours checking it. Homework is sometimes a burden to teachers and students but still it is necessary. Some people doubt homework’s effectiveness, but teachers and researchers agree homework is essential. Homework helps students get better grades in school.Some people don’t know exactly what homework is. Homework is defined as an out of class activity assigned to students as an extension or elaboration of classroom work(KidSource). There are three types of homework teachers generally give out. The first is Practice assignments, they are assignments that reinforce newly acquired skills or knowledge(KidSource). An example of these assignments is writing definitions down for new words learned in school. The second form of homework is preparation Assignments (KidSource). This is basically finding information and preparing it for a class demonstration or discussion. The third would be extension assignments, these assignments encourage individualized and creative learning(KidSource). These assignments are basically essays, reports, and projects. Extension assignments require students to apply previous learnings(ERIC). These assignments are the three components that make up what we call homework.Parents, students, and teachers all sometimes wonder how useful is homework? Though studies examining the relationship between homework and school achievement have been inclusive(ERIC). Still many teachers and researchers still agree that homework helps students achieve higher grades in school. Schools that assigned homework frequently showed higher student achievement than schools that assigned little homework(ERIC). This means that homework is working. Studies have generally found that if teachers carefully plan homework, homework can be quite helpful(KidSource). Homework has proven its effectiveness and is a very powerful factor in student performance.Students should only spend enough tim...

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