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Presidential campaign 2000

ly with more responsibility put on parents and money being provided by the government. George W. wants to see results. Every grade would be tested yearly with results publicly published, states would enforce standards, and local tests would replace national ones.Bush plans to spend 25 billion over ten years for reading, Pell grants, and charters. He also wants to spend 1.5 billion for state merit scholarships to college, and proposes a 275 million-dollar tax credit for pre-paid college tuition. In addition, Bush is committed to spending 400 million more for after school programs and 2 billion dollars more for teacher salaries.In regards to education, Al Gore stresses a larger role of the federal government and more specific tax deductions for higher education. Gore claims 10 thousand dollars in tuition tax cuts worth 800 dollars over the current plan. He would like to recruit teachers, improve classrooms, and help failing schools. The vice-president backs teacher unions especially on the issue of vouchers while Bush does not, and highlights a ten year 115 billion dollar education program. His “Revolutionary Plan” gives 50% more money to public schools. He wants to hire 2 million teachers over the next ten years, and connect all schools to the Internet. Both candidates do agree with testing and local control in public education.Gore stresses accountability as does Bush. He would like to test and hire teachers, supports the removal of failing tenured teachers, and wants to turn around failing schools. The vice-president would like more resources dedicated to higher education by giving tax breaks for college, making borrowing for college easier, reducing class sizes, and giving more student grants and loans. He would like to make the first two years of college free.One of the issues not mentioned very often in the presidential race is Juvenile Crime. George Bush has many stances on this issue, such as gun control, but thinks pa...

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